Matt Dickson’s Story
Matt first got plugged in at Grace by attending Right Start Bible Hour. Since then, he’s joined Grace Students and has been challenged to share Jesus with many people at his school and on his football team.
Will Hall’s Story
God’s Word can turn anyone into a believer. Just ask Will! After hearing the Gospel on an iPod (a gift from his mother), Will came to know Jesus and His saving power. Now, Will is sharing Jesus with everybody he rubs shoulders with.
Shari Stanley & Brian Elder’s Story
Shari and Brian have learned a lot by investing their time in Grace Polaris U. As a result, they’ve grown closer to Jesus and are better equipped to share His good news with others.
Karen Rugg-Klapheke’s Story
Through various trials, God has used Karen to encourage others, bless them, and point them to His glory.
John Barnhard’s Story
John lived an incredible life and left an impactful legacy. Hear how he got connected to Grace and how God changed his life through the Cancer Support Group. We celebrate that John is now with Jesus and are thankful that he left a generous gift so Grace can continue living out its mission.
Lisa Anglea
This recent widow talks about the challenges she faced after being diagnosed with breast cancer on the heels of her husband’s death…and the strength God gave her to face each day.