Coming alongside students and their parents to help them develop into devoted followers of Jesus.
During a student’s adolescent/teenage years, many lifelong decisions are made and patterns developed.
It’s critical for both their present and future that they’re grounded in the Word of God, develop deep and God-honoring friendships, be discipled by caring adult mentors, and have opportunities to stretch their faith while growing deep roots in the Body of Christ.
Featured Events
Opportunities for Your Student to Connect and Serve
Grades 7 – 12
Grades 5 – 6
Grades 7 – 12
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
in the Youth Center
Wednesday evenings provide a chance for students in Grades 7–12 to belong as they connect with God, other students, and caring adult mentors. It’s how students at Grace join in the process of becoming devoted followers of Jesus!
We aim to strengthen commitment to Jesus through worship, challenging teaching, and applying God’s Word through small group conversations.
We long to see students own and exercise their faith in Jesus, and our leaders are dedicated to helping students find and take their next step of faith.
Ministry Center
(Next to Grace Polaris Church)
Sundays at 10:45 a.m.
in Ministry Center Room 6
Using The Gospel Project curriculum, students in Grades 7–8 will walk through the Bible week-by-week.
Each Sunday we’ll begin together with younger students (Grades 5–6) for games and activities before our Bible lesson.
Ministry Center
(Next to Grace Polaris Church)
Special Opportunities
It is important your student becomes part of the life of the church.
There are many ways for students in Grades 7–12 to become a critical part of Grace:
- Through engaging multigenerational worship services
- A variety of Sunday Morning Groups
- Volunteer opportunities
- Throughout the year we host special service projects, ridiculously fun events, retreats, and our annual summer youth conference.
Grades 5 – 6
Sundays at 10:45 a.m.
in Ministry Center Room 5
Using The Gospel Project curriculum, students in Grades 5–6 will walk through the Bible week-by-week.
Each Sunday we’ll begin together with older students (Grades 7–8) for games and activities before our Bible lesson.
Ministry Center
(Next to Grace Polaris Church)
Special Opportunities
The best part of being in Grades 5–6 is getting to do a little bit of everything!
Students can look forward to Grace Students-type activities and also to participating in opportunities offered through:
- Grace Kids: Awana
- Grace Kids Choir
- Vacation Bible School
- Grace Kids Grand Prix
We’ll also host several events each year for students in Grades 5–6, so be on the lookout for more info!
Serve at Grace
It’s our desire to see each student at Grace engage in the larger Body of Christ on Sunday mornings by attending a multigenerational worship service and by serving others!