Jesus loves kids and so do we!
Every child is welcome!
At Grace, every child has an opportunity to take part in age-appropriate programs designed to promote understanding of God’s Word and love for Jesus Christ.
Grace Kids offers programs from birth–Grade 4 on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 10:45. Teams of trained, loving adults and teens make Sunday mornings welcoming, fun, and spiritually meaningful.
Ministries for Your Children Every Week
AT 9:00 & 10:45
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday Mornings
at 9:00 & 10:45
Kids are learning the big picture of God’s story
through The Gospel Project for Kids!
The Gospel Project for Kids immerses kids in the Gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation.
Ultimately, the Gospel message changes everything; heart transformation can only take place when a child experiences the Gospel. Through The Gospel Project for Kids, elementary kids and preschoolers will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story — God’s story of redemption.
What’s more powerful than the curriculum? The relationships developed with other kids, godly adults, and Jesus Christ!
What Can My Child Expect?
Our Sunday morning format for kids in Preschool – Grade 4
will move kids through three segments:
Small Groups → Large Group → Small Groups
Arriving during large group time, even though engaging, can be daunting for kids when they enter. Arriving at your child’s classroom on time enables your child to interact with other kids throughout all segments of the morning, developing and strengthening friendships and fellowship.
Infants, Toddlers, Two Year-Olds
Our ministry for infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds exists to provide a safe, loving environment where children feel comfortable at church and begin to know who God is.
We provide parents with an opportunity to worship, serve, and learn so that they can disciple their own children to trust in Jesus, know His Word, and live out their faith.
While in Grace Kids, toddlers and two-year-olds will participate in fun, short times of Bible learning, singing, and reinforcement activities. Continuous care between services is provided.
Ages 3 – Kindergarten
Preschoolers and kindergarteners will learn that the Bible is one big story about God’s love for them through Jesus Christ. Large group gathering for four-year-olds through kindergartners will bring Bible stories to life through engaging teaching, video, and praise time.
Three-year-olds experience Bible time and praise time in the comfort of their classrooms. Hands-on activities in small groups will help all kids build friendships while reinforcing the point of the lessons.
Continuous care is offered between services to enable parents to worship and serve.
Grades 1 – 4
Elementary kids will gain a clear understanding of the entire Gospel story — how all of Scripture points to the good news about Jesus. A team of actors and/or teachers will lead Kids’ Worship (large group gathering) with dramatic teaching using props, visuals, music, and missions focus.
During small group times, kids will build relationships with their leaders and each other while participating in hands-on activities that reinforce and apply Bible learning.
Continuous care is offered between services to enable parents to worship and serve.
Buddy Class
On Sundays mornings at 9:00 we offer a class for children with special needs. Get more info about our Buddy Class on our special needs ministry page.

Wednesday Evenings
at 6:30 p.m.
Kids are having a blast playing games and learning Scripture at Awana!
“Approved workmen are not ashamed!”
– 2 Timothy 2:15
Calling all kids Age 3–Grade 6…Awana is back and better than ever! Join us for these weekly gatherings where kids engage in games, music, Bible lessons, and discipleship. Register today for just $30!
We’re also looking for loving adults who can help out! Click here to volunteer.
Kids can’t wait for Awana!
Awana uses evangelism and discipleship to meet kids on their level and walk alongside them in their faith journey. Awana has a profound impact in reaching kids with the Gospel and helping them grow as faithful disciples. Leaders and families have witnessed this firsthand, and that’s what keeps bringing them back week after week, year after year, for generations. Awana wants to partner with parents/guardians to help raise kids to have a foundation of faith in Christ and a life-long dedication to His Church.
Awana is a global nonprofit ministry committed to the belief that the greatest impact for Christ starts with kids who know, love, and serve Him.
Awana: Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Principles for Awana?
Awana is centered on the Gospel.
- The Gospel is the absolute focus each week. It is shared through teaching, personal testimony, and leader/clubber generated discussion.
Scripture memory is key.
- Clubbers memorize Bible verse at home and recite them to leaders. The goal is not to get a child through the scripture, but to get the scripture through the child.
Awana is fun and exciting.
- Game time is the hallmark of fun! Theme nights generate excitement! Clubbers receive awards to keep them motivated and engaged!
Children and youth are taught to serve.
- Clubbers become less “me” focused and more “others” focused through various service and outreach events.
Awana is built on strong leadership.
- Leaders are trained, valued, and appreciated. Awana supports churches through regional and local missionaries.
What are Awana Clubs?
Clubs are geared to specific age groups: Cubbies (Preschool), Sparks (Kindergarten–Grade 2), and Truth & Training (Grades 3–6). Puggles (Birth–3 years) is for children whose parents are volunteering or taking a class on campus. Specific information for each club can be found below.
When is Awana?
Awana runs on Wednesday nights from August–April from 6:45–8:15 p.m.
Is there a cost for Awana?
Our annual registration fee is $30 per child. It helps cover a portion of awards and supplies throughout the year. This fee does not cover handbooks, bags, shirts, or vests; those items are available for purchase at the Resource Center.
Early registration is recommended, and available online, so your child can receive the Awana GO Card to purchase supplies at the Open House. Drop into the Resource Center to meet the directors, purchase your supplies, and learn how use Awana to disciple your child.
After the Open House, kids can still join Awana! Register online for a GO Card to purchase the needed items from the Resource Center, which is open on Sunday mornings and during Awana Gatherings on designated Wednesday evenings.
What do we do when we arrive?
Walk your child(ren) to check-in for their clubs. Sparks and Truth & Training (T&T) are located in the Ministry Center (MC). Enter the north MC doors. After check-in, walk your child(ren) to the rooms on their tags and check them in with their leaders.
How do I check-in my child(ren)?
At a check-in station, enter either your last name or the last four digits of the phone number that was used for registration. Make sure your children’s names have a green check by them in the correct class. Tap the green “Print” button at the bottom of the screen. A name tag for each child will print for them to wear. Parents/guardians will receive a matching claim tag that they must present at the end of the night for pick up.
How do I pick up my child(ren) at the end of the night?
No child will be dismissed without a parent or guardian present. The parent/guardian picking up the child(ren) must wear or show their claim tag. This tag MUST be presented to gain entrance to the building AND to pick up your child(ren) from their classroom(s). If another adult is picking up your child(ren), you may leave your claim tag with our check-in team. The adult picking up must show identification.
Thanks for complying with this procedure for the protection of all our children and leaders.

Cubbies: Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join Cubbies?
Children who are 3–5 years old by September 30 and are fully potty trained
What will my child do in Cubbies?
Each week Cubbies move together with their leaders through four activities:
- Opening Ceremony: Clubbers join together for a time of singing, pledges, and announcements.
- Bible Time: Clubbers absorb the weekly Bible teaching through an interactive and engaging Bible lesson. They will also use this time to review the weekly Bible memory verse.
- Handbook Time: Clubbers are guided by their leaders one-on-one in small groups through the Bible memory verses from their current handbook (Appleseed or Honeycomb) and are given the chance to recite it. During this time clubbers will also enjoy crafts that reinforce the lesson.
- Game Time: Clubbers enjoy supervised free play and non-competitive games in the WOW room.
What should my child bring each week?
Once your child has received a GO Card and you’ve purchased their blue bag, blue vest, and current handbook, he or she should wear their vest each week and bring his or her bag and handbook.
What’s my role?
As your child’s parent or guardian, you play a leading role in his or her spiritual development! When you regularly read the Bible, discuss handbook sections, and help memorize Bible verses and the Club Pledge, you help grow your child’s faith and make an investment for eternity. Two helpful tools are the Awana calendar, which lists special events and fun theme nights, and the Cubbie calendar, which lists the weekly Bible memory verses and handbook sections.
What’s the cost?
A $30 fee is due upon registration. After your child has completed the entrance booklet and receives a GO Card, you’ll purchase a blue bag, blue vest, and current handbook. The bag and vest can be reused each year your child is in Cubbies.
Where is Cubbies located?
The Worship Center (WC) at 8225 Worthington Galena Road in Westerville
Who can I contact for questions?
Send us a general message to get started.

Sparks: Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join Sparks?
Kids currently in Kindergarten–Grade 2
What will my child do in Sparks?
Each week Sparks move together with their leaders through four activities:
- Opening Ceremony: Clubbers join together for a time of singing, pledges, and announcements.
- Council Time: Clubbers engage with a dynamic, relevant Bible teaching, along with singing and awards.
- Handbook Time: Clubbers are guided by their leaders in small groups through Bible-centered handbooks (Hang Glider, Wing Runner, or Sky Stormer) and Scripture memory.
- Game Time: Clubbers enjoy a variety of fun games led by the Game Director using the Awana Game Square.
What should my child bring each week?
Once your child has received a GO Card and you’ve purchased their red bag, red vest, and current handbook, he or she should wear their vest each week and bring his or her bag and handbook.
What’s my role?
As your child’s parent or guardian, you play a leading role in his or her spiritual development! When you regularly read the Bible, discuss handbook sections, and help memorize Bible verses and the Club Pledges, you help grow your child’s faith and make an investment for eternity. Follow the Awana calendar for special events and fun theme nights.
What’s the cost?
A $30 fee is due upon registration. After your child has completed the entrance booklet and receives a GO Card, you’ll purchase a red bag, red vest, and current handbook. The bag and vest can be reused each year your child is in Sparks.
Where is Sparks located?
The Ministry Center (MC) at 8225 Worthington Galena Road in Westerville
Who can I contact for questions?
Send us a general message to get started.

Truth & Training: Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join T&T?
Kids currently in Grades 3–6
What will my child do in T&T?
Each week T&T move together with their leaders through four activities:
- Opening Ceremony: Clubbers join together for a time of singing, pledges, and announcements.
- Large Group: Clubbers engage with a dynamic, relevant Bible teaching, along with singing and awards.
- Small Group: Clubbers are guided by their leaders in small groups through Bible-centered handbooks (Evidence of Grace, Grace in Action, Agents of Grace, or Discovery of Grace) and Scripture memory.
- Game Time: Clubbers enjoy a variety of fun games led by the Game Director using the Awana Game Square.
What should my child bring each week?
Once your child has received a GO Card and you’ve purchased their green drawstring bag, green shirt, and current handbook, he or she should wear their shirt each week and bring his or her bag and handbook.
What’s my role?
As your child’s parent or guardian, you play a leading role in his or her spiritual development! When you regularly read the Bible, discuss handbook sections, and encourage your child to memorize Bible verses, you help grow his or her faith and make an investment for eternity. Follow the Awana calendar for special events and fun theme nights.
What’s the cost?
$30 is due upon registration. After your child has completed the entrance booklet and receives a GO Card, you’ll purchase a green drawstring bag, green shirt, and current handbook. The bag and shirt can be reused each year your child is in T&T.
Where is T&T located?
The Ministry Center (MC) at 8225 Worthington Galena Road in Westerville
Who can I contact for questions?
Send us a general message to get started.

Puggles: Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join Puggles?
Children birth–three-years-old, who are not yet fully potty-trained, with both parents (or single parents) who are serving on Wednesday evenings at Grace Polaris Church or both parents are taking a class at Grace Polaris Church
What will my child do in Puggles?
Puggles helps children learn through play time, music, and/or age-appropriate crafts. An interactive Bible lesson is presented that highlights each month’s main theme to engage their minds and hearts.
What’s my role?
As your child’s parent or guardian, you play a leading role in his or her spiritual development! When you regularly read the Bible and other books with your child, you help grow his or her faith and make an investment for eternity.
What’s the cost?
If parents are not serving in Awana, there is an annual registration fee of $30 which helps to cover a portion of the materials. Space is solely dependent on our volunteer availability. Non-Awana Leaders will need to inquire with the Puggles Director about availability prior to registering.
Where is Puggles located?
The Grace Early Childhood Center (ECC) at 8225 Worthington Galena Road, Westerville, Ohio 43081
Who can I contact for more info?
Send us a general message to get started.